On the TunneySide of Sports
October 10, 2022 #921
Up next…
After further review… “They will come, daddy,” said Karen Kinsella in the movie “Field of Dreams” to her father, Ray Kinsella, played by Kevin Costner. “Who will come”? Her father questioned. “The people will come to see the baseball game,” said Karen. This was a moment in the movie when some could see players on the field, e.g., Shoeless Joe Jackson, Mel Ott, but others could not see those players. Ray had plowed under his cornfield in Iowa to build this field. He was facing the likelihood of bankruptcy on his farm.
“Bezbawl“, as Terrance Mann, played superbly by James Earl Jones, pronounced it, “is America’s game. People will come to this field, Ray, and ask if they could look around. And you (speaking to Kinsella) would say sure it’s only $20, and they don’t even know why they came.” Field of dreams was built and two major teams played a real major league game there in 2021 and 2022 with the stands fully packed.
Speaking of major league teams – last week the wild card teams and their players had their 2022 MLB season become their fields of dreams as they began to play in MLB playoffs. Isn’t that what every baseball player envisions all season? To play in the playoffs with a chance to play in and win the World Series? Yes, you play to win the game, it has often been said. Nobody remembers who finishes second.
As a kid, my dream was to play major league baseball so, in my youth I played all sports but always kept in mind preparing for baseball. My dad had played in college and was good enough (in the 1920s) to sign a contract with the Oakland Oaks and he did play one year with them — my inspiration was there.
So when Kinsella realized it was his dad on that field, he asked him “Could we have a catch”? It reminded me of when I would say to my dad, “Can we play catch?” (that’s the terminology we used), and dad never turned me down. Our front yard was just about 60 feet and with my old-timer’s wind-up, I would bear down and throw as hard as I could with my best fastball. Dad would catch it bare-handed! It was a solid clue I wasn’t ready for MLB!
Will you deal with setting your dreams, even if they might not come true?
To contact Jim, go to www.jimtunney.com or email jim@jimtunney.com.
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To contact Jim, go to www.jimtunney.com or email jim@jimtunney.com.