World Series 2018

On the TunneySide of Sports November 5, 2018 #717 Up next...World Series, 2018On The TunneySide of Sports November 5, 2018 #717 Up next… World Series 2018

After further review… Congratulations to the Boston Red Sox on their recent success as Major League Baseball’s world champions! Their five games to one win over the Los Angeles Dodgers in the finals was impressive. In fact, their season with 108 regular season victories and their defeat of the New York Yankees, who had a 100-season win, and their defeat of the Houston Astros with 104 wins certainly must qualify them as one of the best in Red Sox baseball lore.

While it was difficult for the Dodgers to lose in their home park (Dodger Stadium, aka Chavez Ravine), the “Blue” will certainly give a standing ovation to the Sox. The news media reported that the victory celebration at Dodger Stadium lasted two hours with World Champ hats, World Champ Tee-shirts and googles, provided by the MLB, adorned by every Sox player. Why the googles? Well, with the rampant squirting of champagne and beer all over players, coaches and T*E*A*M personnel, the googles provided eye protection. It was an on-field mess.

Speaking of a mess – the spittle by players and coaches from both teams during that series was ugly. It seemed every time the Fox TV cameras focused on a player or coach in the dugout, you could expect an expectoration (is that a redundancy?). Many players and coaches plant smokeless tobacco (called chaw or dip) in their mouth-cheek during games. Others use gum (some with bubble-gum) as a method to calm nerves or maybe just an old baseball habit.

Regarding the use of smokeless tobacco, may I remind young and old ball players that the late Joe Garagiola, former All-Star MLB catcher and the late Hall of Fame Umpire Doug Harvey both suffered throat cancer later in life. And both travelled the country speaking about its dangers.

Others chew and spit Sunflower seeds continuously. You probably have not seen a baseball dugout following a game, but I have. UGH! You wouldn’t want you or your children to see that mess, let alone walk through it. Football sidelines following a game are similar, but not quite as filthy, with basketball sidelines cleaner due to their close fan proximity.

On the bright side of this World Series was the attitude and behavior of the players toward each other. I watched players and managers behavior very closely and did not see any trash-talking or taunting of opponents. A trait to be admired – and hopefully emulated in other sports teams.

Will you log-in on your impressions of the 2018 World Series?

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Jim’s books are full of inspiration and interesting stories. Please visit his online store to learn more.

Another 101 Best of TunneySide of Sports

Be sure to get Jim’s book ‘Another 101 Best of TunneySide of Sports’ by clicking this link or using the email above to contact Jim directly.

These TunneySides take issues from real-life situations and relate them as inspiration for the betterment of others.

Jim is available for speaking engagements on leadership and T*E*A*M Building. His books are available for $20 which includes shipping and tax. The Tunney Bobblehead is available for $30. Please visit JimTunney.comThank you!

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Sofa Soccer

On the TunneySide of Sports October 29, 2018 #716.1 Up next...” Sofa Soccer”On The TunneySide of Sports October 29, 2018 #716 Up next… Sofa Soccer

After further review… If you love sports, as I do, you have to love the month of October! Not only is it a month of wonderful weather (except for those in the path of hurricane Michael), but so many sports were in play: NFL in mid-season, NBA and NHL just under way, MLB into World Series mode, college football approaching mid-season, and college basketball “tips-off” at the end of the month. Soccer? Well, that sport never ends.

Readers have long noted that soccer and/or hockey are not often a subject in this column. That’s mostly because they are somewhat foreign to me. Yes, they’re terrific sports. It’s just that growing-up in southern California, they never got much notice. However, those of you who love soccer will enjoy this piece by journalist, Pulitzer Prize author and humorists, Dave Barry:

“Recently I played in a soccer game (or match) on a regulation soccer field (or pitch), and I wound up fearing for the safety of my most sensitive male anatomical parts (or “Roscoes”). Allow me, as a big believer in the benefits of exercise, to offer you these words of encouragement: Get back on the sofa!”

“I remember playing intramural soccer in college as a casual relaxing activity, which is why I was asked, along with my wife to play in a media vs the staff of the Miami Fusion some years ago. I was an idiot. I realized this the instant we arrived at the stadium. Most of the other people were serious, cleat-wearing soccer players. They were shouting Spanish soccer expressions that translate roughly to, ‘I shall “keek” the ball with great “velocidad,” so stand clear, lest it pass through your torso.’ The other problem was the size of the playing field. From the press box, where I am usually, it looked about the size of a football field, but when I actually stood on it. I realized that it was much closer to the square footage of Kansas.”

“Finally, after about a month, the game ended. I admit that the Fusion staff team was much better. But since the media got to write the story, we won 151 to 3, and I personally scored nine touchdowns. I look forward to playing soccer again, when they pry my cold, dead butt off the sofa.” Dave Barry describes soccer about the way I feel!

Will you log-in your experience or story about soccer?

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 To contact Jim, go to or email

Jim’s books are full of inspiration and interesting stories. Please visit his online store to learn more.

Another 101 Best of TunneySide of Sports

Be sure to get Jim’s book ‘Another 101 Best of TunneySide of Sports’ by clicking this link or using the email above to contact Jim directly.

These TunneySides take issues from real-life situations and relate them as inspiration for the betterment of others.

Jim is available for speaking engagements on leadership and T*E*A*M Building. His books are available for $20 which includes shipping and tax. The Tunney Bobblehead is available for $30. Please visit JimTunney.comThank you!

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Building a Legacy!

On the TunneySide of Sports October 22, 2018 #715 Up next...Building a Legacy!On The TunneySide of Sports October 22, 2018 #715 Up next… Building a Legacy!

After further review…  Heading into my fifth year as an NFL official, a new official joined our officiating corps, namely Burl Abron Toler, an African American. That’s an important addition to Toler’s name, since he then became the first African American on-field NFL official. He was chosen from the NCAA Pacific Coast Conference (now called the Pac-12). I had known Toler since I also had officiated in the PCC.  As an NFL rookie, Toler was placed in the on-field position of Head Linesman and assigned to the crew of veteran referee Dr. Norm Schachter.

A few years later, Toler was re-assigned to the crew where I was the referee. We spent 11 years as crew mates. I became part of Toler’s family; he had six children, and he and wife Melvia accepted me as I did them. Toler was an educator as was I, so we had a lot in common. We had many memorable NFL games together, but none so infamous as Monday, November 27, 1978 – a MNF game in San Francisco’s Candlestick Park with the Steelers and the 49ers. About one hour before game time, NFL security entered our dressing room to announce that San Francisco Supervisor Harvey Milk and Mayor George Moscone were assassinated in their offices late that afternoon. The decision to play or postpone the game was in the hands of NFL Commissioner Pete Rozelle, but also of great concern was the fact that Toler, who was with us in that locker room, had been working in those same downtown San Francisco offices. While the game was allowed to go on, my concern was more for Toler and his impending on-field job. He performed, as he always did, at his best, yet knowing what lay ahead for him the next day.

The personal strength and character of Toler is what continues as his family legacy. His principalship at Ben Franklin Middle School was so significant that in 2006 the school was renamed in his honor. Although Toler died in 2009, his legacy lives on though Burl Jr., Burl III, and now Burl IV. He always told them “Do your best and your best will be good enough.” Burl Jr. was good athlete at University of California, Berkeley (Bears) as was Burl lll, who is now Cal’s running back coach. During a recent game at Cal’s Memorial Stadium, Burl Jr. accepted the Glenn Seaborg Award, in his dad’s honor, while Burl III prowled the Bears sideline.

Will you assure your family’s legacy in the manner that Burl Toler, Sr. did?

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 To contact Jim, go to or email

Jim’s books are full of inspiration and interesting stories. Please visit his online store to learn more.

Another 101 Best of TunneySide of Sports

Be sure to get Jim’s book ‘Another 101 Best of TunneySide of Sports’ by clicking this link or using the email above to contact Jim directly.

These TunneySides take issues from real-life situations and relate them as inspiration for the betterment of others.

Jim is available for speaking engagements on leadership and T*E*A*M Building. His books are available for $20 which includes shipping and tax. The Tunney Bobblehead is available for $30. Please visit JimTunney.comThank you!

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