In this photo posted to Twitter by Don Shula in 2012, the Hall of Fame coach is watching the Olympics on TV with his friend Jim Tunney in Pebble Beach. (Courtesy Don Shula)
On the TunneySide of Sports May 11, 2020 #795 Up next… A TRIBUTE to DON SHULA!
After further review… It is almost impossible to put into words how I feel about the passing of my good friend, but I need to give it a shot. Many have wondered about how a football coach and a referee could be such good friends. At times, I have wondered myself.
Coach Don Shula died a week ago – May 4th. His passing left the sports world in shock. Me too! Although with our close friendship, I knew of his health challenges. His home was in Florida and mine in California, yet he and his wife Mary Anne had a residence in Pebble Beach for the last 25 years. When they were living here, “Coach” (as everyone called him including his family) and I would attend Mass together each week as well as have lunch together at least once a week.
Some have wondered how this close relationship began. I have claimed for some time that you get to know someone best through a love affair or a confrontation. “Coach” was the head coach of the Baltimore Colts and the Miami Dolphins for 33 years. I was a National Football League Referee for 31 years. Can you see how confrontations might happen?
It probably started in 1965 when, as field judge in a playoff game with Baltimore playing the Green Bay Packers, I called a field goal by the Packers good with Shula and the Colts disagreeing. We still disagree! Shula won 347 NFL games – most in history! He says it should have been 348. BTW, I have told many, including dozens of audiences, that his 347 record will never be broken. It was our disagreement and his forgiveness that cemented a friendship. Shula’s NFL record stands on its own. He was inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 1997 some 23 years ago. No one questioned that induction.
Perhaps the outstanding quality that carried our relationship to the status of family was his integrity. Oh, yes, he screamed and, perhaps, cussed at me when we were on the field during a game, but after he and I would visit on his sidelines, the game would proceed with respect.
Larry Csonka tells this story: The Dolphins were to play the Raiders. As the Dolphins entered the locker room, Zonk was surprised to find a Raiders playbook left behind on a shelf. He turned it over to an assistant coach with hope that it might help. The Dolphins lost that game. Zonk asked that assistant coach what he did with that opponents’ playbook. That coach said when he told Coach Shula what he had, Shula said, “Just throw it away.” He did with no one seeing it.
That quality of just do the right thing and his art of forgiveness made our friendship so solid.
Will you seek friends and love ones who possess those strengths?
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